Our first portal discovery since our arrival on the space station, has taken us to a system around the biggest planet we have ever seen or could even fathom. How else does a land gain 100 Moons, orbiting in a dance that can only be described as equally graceful and chaotic?
The people of this system have named their moons by number and interestingly these happen to correlate with periodic table elements connected to the mineral composition of the moons. Likewise, their name for the planet itself is The BROCC, or the Big Rocky Orbital Central Crusher… which we suppose is apt since attempting to land on its surface would crush our bodies into jelly. See below our observations of the various moons and note that our research is ongoing, with additions as excursions are completed.
Dive into the diverse and resounding vibes of the land of 100 moons.
Sending so many thank-yous to the crew that helped make and imagine this collection: Saylem, Jackie, Sam, Amber, Abi, Ty, Rasha