The Summoner
հիւրապէտը // hyurabed@
A restless wanderer travels across the lands of old Azadistan in search of shrines and temples half fallen, overgrown with vines and new life, yet still rich with the presence of the spirits.
Leaving their forest home in the very outskirts of the Northern Reach, they must find the 12 spirits of Azadistan and the medium through which the Great Disturbance was manifested.
This summoner is more aptly named host (հիւրապէտ) for the pacts they seek with the spirits are invitations into mutualistic relationship; a result of living directly with the land and away from most humans.
Each Portal Fire collection & character is paired with a track by Lara Sarkissian; listen and explore the sonic landscape of each character, their environment and the quality of the fire magic they wield.
Enter this portal for more of the Summoner
Photography by Christian Najjar; model Nabeel Najjar
The woven artifacts below have served as portals to the world of Azadistan, providing windows into the cultural, historical and spiritual lore of the land. Research is archived once the physical specimen is no longer in our care.